Friday, December 8, 2006

The Big Lie

Last night was Book Group. Being a librarian, I actually do librarian stuff. I lead a book group. We were discussing She Stoops to Conquer, by Oliver Goldsmith. We try to discuss something short and/or timely during the holiday seasons. (Folks are a bit busy to read anything challenging.)

Conquer is a lovely, short, unchallenging play. It's amusing and friendly. I was looking forward to the discussion, but expected a small group. Not quite this small - only one person in my group showed up last night. And she didn't show up till a couple minutes after 7pm.

Heh, heh, heh. I was already planning this, when she arrived, and she agreed to play along.

I'm sending out an email today, talking about all the fun we had at group. What with the Chippendales stopping by (watch out, that link has music!), just to chat, because a couple of the guys had been in a production of Conquer in school,

and the university theatre department performing the last act for us, in full costume with props etc,

and chef Tammy Alana (from the Palms hotel) sent over some extra goodies from the big "do" they had at the Palms (she didn't really have to do that, but, gee, she had extras, and she had wanted to attend book group and couldn't...)

OK, it sounds a bit unlikely in this setting. I'm good. I'm very good at The Big Lie.

We'll see if I get any "bites". Ideally, the response should be "Ha, Ha, good joke. Err, you were joking, weren't you?"

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